Saturday 8 March 2014

Boldly into March

No wonder mumsnet rejected my initial entry to be in the blogger's network! 'Give it at least six posts, eh pal?' They suggested. 'Huff puff!' Said I, insulted.

So back on the wagon, for a quick brain dump to get me back in the swing!

This wee hunk has been unwell, which has obliterated an entire week, but he's a good bit better now and has even penned his first novel, complete with marketing blurb on the back:

I've been trying to get back out running, but a runner I am not.

Not likely to set the world on fire, but we'll see how it goes, remember I'm a lifter... Check out the shoulders now!

In bargain corner, I got an Enrapture totem styler for £18 in Home Bargains, full review to follow...

Right, nut screwed. I'll be back. Honest.

1 comment:

  1. Good to get the juices flowing, as it were! Hope the wee man is better now. X
