Sleepin Rollers

Sunday 19 January 2014

I'd like to say my hair and I got on.  We don't.  It's fluffy and wispy but thick and tuggy.

I eagerly wait for the day the spiral perm comes back into fashion, as that was truly the only style mt hair could cope with day to day.

I'm going to set up a google alert for 'spiral_perm_dead_cool_now' and I still have my retro fit skull crushing diffuser at my dad's house for that day.

But until that day I will buy anything that claims to make lovely hair easier. Cue the Sleepin rollers. countless positive reviews and a great deal on amazon (I got the full set and a hairdryer hood for £9 on amazon - I think this may have been a pricing mistake!)

They are easy to pop in to damp washed hair, I also plopped on some argan oil, which my drysee hair loves to drink up like a thirsty desert.

A row in the top section, and work down from the sides.... voila

'Goodbye Sleepless Nights - Hello Beautiful hair' - is the claim... So, how did I sleep? Frankly, awful.  I feel asleep as per Kate standard, watching Columbo with Davey, but I reckon I woke every 2hrs or so with the velcro scratching my <ahem> generous ears and scalp. The rollers invaded my dreams and I found myself dreaming of having my head caught in a breadbin... however that could also be the lack of white carbs recently...

Robin thought they were absolutely ridiculous and began clawing them out of my hair straight away.  One bonus I have to mention is that on a work morning I am usually found tapping snooze at least 6 times... with these bad boys I was desperate to be on my feet again and got ready.

So.  they slip out easily, and a head tip upside down and shake...

TraLAAAA! Huge hair! with a curl at the bottom.  It really was just like after a blow dry.  I got plenty of positive comments throughout the day, which usually on hair wash day is a flippy flimsy mess...

When I use them again, I'll fashion some sort of protective wingnut ear cover and see how I get on...


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